Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Latest News! Save The Tara Valley Video

This just in...
Front Line Warrior Carmel sent this on to me today.


The Video speaks eloquently enough that further words are not necessary.
Please watch and if you can, sign the Petition.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Power of the Sacred 3

(Meath World Heritage Park logo courtesy of Sacred Ireland)

My dear friend and Tara Warrior Carmel, has in her latest email, sent on a link to the MEATH Master Plan (http://www.sacredireland.org/) and in doing so has tactfully reminded me that I have not updated this blog for a long while.
I plead Busy-ness.
That being said I hereby add this site to the list of Tara Warriors at the right hand top of the blog and ask that you please take some time out to look and ponder and consider.
(Note that I said that in '3's)

Which bring me to the Topic at hand.
I came across this wonderful bit of Mathemagikal application of the Sacred number 3 and since the Celts viewed their world 'triadically' I thought it of more than passing interest.
In a wonderful article entitled:
Ritual and Elements a Ternary Approach by Potia from the website (http://www.caerclud.vscotland.org.uk/articles/tri.html )
I found this nugget: "The number three was one of the sacred numbers to the Celts. Lore and legends often refer to things in multiples of three: the three Bridgets, beyond the ninth wave, the realms of Earth, Sky and Sea, the three strains of Celtic harp music; joy, grief and sleep, Scottish needfires kindled by nine men, with the fire made up with nine sticks gathered by nine men from nine trees, companies in myth often are of twenty-seven men with one leader. Stories often have three phases or three tasks and then there's the concept of the threefold death. Ternary ideas appear again and again in Celtic lore and mythology and they have an important place within modern Druidry as well. If we use ternary ideas we can work towards balancing the way we approach the world. To use only ternary concepts would be to go too far in that direction but as so little in our western lives lends itself to ternary ideas it can be helpful to use these concepts in our spiritual life in order to help us to balance our approach to life a little better."

So here is something to consider the next thing you think you cannot make a difference, try using a 'Ternary Approach'.
If three people heed the message and if they tell three other people, there would be nine.
If each of them then spread the word to three others, there would be twenty-seven.
If each of these twenty-seven, passed this to three of their friends, there would be eighty-one.
If these eighty-one people talked to three others, in just four steps there would be 243.
In nineteen steps -- three to the nineteenth power -- this idea would reach over a billion thinking people (1,162, 261,467)!

Want to see it in mathemagikal terms?
Ok here we go:
3 x 3 = 9
9 x 3 = 27
27 x 3 = 81
81 x 3 = 243
And if we carry on this 'germ of an idea' (after all this is how viruses spread - think of this as a 'good bug') in 19 steps we would have TA DA!
1,162, 261,467 - that magikal Billion.

What is the current population of Ireland at the moment?

Blessings x 3 to all who read, think and act.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Taking Back the Night

and Feasting on Tara's Sacred Hill!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

My Samhain Fire for Tara !

(photos by LadyNorth)

Up those stairs to my first terrrace where the Fire Bowl was ablaze.

This was lit with love for all of you who lit the Beacon Fires on Tara's Sacred Hill and around the world!
From my small fire on my hill in western Canada to you - Brighid's Brightest Blessings!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Beacon Fire Blessing


Blessed Brighid, Sacred Tara
Be united this Night
By virtue of your Holy Fire
Let Evil take flight!

Blessed Brighid. Sacred Tara
By the light of the Blessed Two
May all be blessed
In what you do.


In discussion with my dear Journey Sister and Tara Warrior, Carmel, the idea came forth that how appropriate it would be to light the Beacon Fires with Brighid's Flame!
In doing so, they would Take Back The Night and allow two Holy Beings to unite - the Spirit of the Sacred Land (Tara) and the Spirit of the Holy Flame (Brighid).

Many Blessings rest upon those valiant Tara Warriors on this Samhain Eve and to those global Beacon Warriors as well!

Well met! May this Chain of Light create warmth in our hearts and give us courage to continue the Fight!

Lady North
Come-What-May at Quail Hill

Monday, October 22, 2007

Oiche Samhain

This incredible poster has come my way courtesy of the Tara Warrior Carmel who asks that all who view it, print it off and post it.
Everyone no matter where they be is invited to join in on the Night and light a Beacon Fire.

(To get a better view of the exquisite artwork and poster information -please click on the poster -thank you)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Light Up the Hills for Tara - Beacon Fires

As part of the ongoing global concern for the Land, may I ask that if you wish to light a Beacon Fire on October 31st, that it not be directly on the Land itself but in a container of some sort?

Here is an ancient idea - a Roman Defense Beacon that was used in England during those times.

Another great suggestion has come our way: using the dryer drum inside an old washing machine - Sweet talk the recycling folks to take it out for you.
